What to have on hand in an emergency. Update and replace used items every 6 -12 months.

  • Picture of pet(s) and a picture of owner with pet(s)

  • Vet’s telephone number

  • Emergency Clinic’s number PLUS poison control number

  • A First Aid Manual for Dogs and Cats

  • Adhesive tape (1 inch roll)Gauze pads (3 and 4 inch square)

  • Gauze rolls (2-inch for small and 3-inch for large pets)

  • Triangle Bandages

  • Self-sticking gauze rolls to help secure the pads better

  • Scissors (blunt end)

  • Tweezers

  • Eye Dropper

  • Syringe, 12 cc with needle removed

  • Rectal Thermometer

  • Triple Antibiotic

  • Hydrogen Peroxide 3%

  • Vinegar or Baking Soda to neutralize burns caused by acids

  • Chemical Ice Pack

  • Petroleum Jelly (for rectal thermometer and other things)

  • Kaopectate

  • Activated Charcoal

  • Betadine Solution

  • Small Flashlight

  • Needle Nose Pliers

  • Q-tips

  • Razor Blades

  • Extra leash and collar

  • Muzzle or 6-foot long terrycloth belt

  • Plastic Bags (for clean up or samples)