Pet Emergency First Aid Kit
Emergency First Aid Kit
What to have on hand in an emergency. Update and replace used items every 6 -12 months.
Picture of pet(s) and a picture of owner with pet(s)
Vet’s telephone number
Emergency Clinic’s number PLUS poison control number
A First Aid Manual for Dogs and Cats
Adhesive tape (1 inch roll)Gauze pads (3 and 4 inch square)
Gauze rolls (2-inch for small and 3-inch for large pets)
Triangle Bandages
Self-sticking gauze rolls to help secure the pads better
Scissors (blunt end)
Eye Dropper
Syringe, 12 cc with needle removed
Rectal Thermometer
Triple Antibiotic
Hydrogen Peroxide 3%
Vinegar or Baking Soda to neutralize burns caused by acids
Chemical Ice Pack
Petroleum Jelly (for rectal thermometer and other things)
Activated Charcoal
Betadine Solution
Small Flashlight
Needle Nose Pliers
Razor Blades
Extra leash and collar
Muzzle or 6-foot long terrycloth belt
Plastic Bags (for clean up or samples)