Your Horse, Disaster Preparedness
Your Horse
Horses digestive tracks are sensitive; keep the diet it is accustomed to during disasters
Food and special feed should be enough to last at least one week per horse
Store in air tight, waterproof container and rotate once every three months
Have an extra feed bucket on hand in case of damage or loss to the other bucket
Dehydration is a major problem for a horse under stress and water supplies are disrupted during disasters
Have a supply of water for at least one week; 50 gal. barrels, one per horse is good. Store in cool, dark place and rotate with fresh water often.
Tap water is also not suitable for pets in an emergency
Have an extra water bucket handy
Maintain a clean environment for horses to minimize the threat of disease
Keep one week supply of shavings (per horse) to be spread out in horses’ stalls. Make sure it stays dry.
Keep a pitch fork in disaster supplies
If space allows, have a wheelbarrow or a muck bucket
Use a microchip, tattoo, freeze brand
Temporary marking would include a livestock crayon with your name, phone number and address on the horse; clippers to shave name, address and phone number on its coat; or Braid an ID tag in the horse’s mane.
Have a current photo of your Horse(s) with owners of the animal in it for easier identification, Bill of Sale, and other Documentation that proves ownership.
Check with your vet for supplies: cotton and cotton rolls, disposable surgical gloves, vet wraps, duct tape, telfa pads, Betadine, instand cold packs, easy boot, diapers, Furazone, scissors, Blue Lotion, and tweezers.
Have a two week supply/horse if horse is on long term medication.
Check to see if Vet has disaster plan, if not, find one for medical care during the disaster
Keep medical records and vacination records with disaster supplies
Keep horses up to date on all vaccinations, especially tetanus.
Keep a current copy of your horses’ Coggins certificate
Make sure you have a horse trailer and truck that is in good condition to safely take you and your horse(s) to a temporary shelter.
Look at: the floor of the trailer; the trailer hitch; the tires; the lights
If you don’t own a trailer, make arrangements before the disaster about transporting your horse(s)
Have a rope to tie out your horse. Make sure he is trained to tether before you do this.Have a halter and lead rope for each of your horses. The halters should be leather and the lead ropes cotton; all for safety.
Make sure you have plenty of time to evacuate. Large animals take time to move safely. Practice loading and unloading your horse in a trailer.
Ahead of time, find a place to unload your animals; racetrack, stable, fairgrounds, equine centers are just a few suggestions.
Set up a “buddy” system with other horse owners to share and assist one another in an emergency.
Write to for more info and suggestions.